What to Expect at Your First Tango Lesson

Feb 05, 2017

You always said 'One day, I'll learn to Tango'. That day is today.

You take off your coat and arrange your things, before walking over to the dance floor and joining the class.

Here are some hints on what to expect.

You’ll spend some time “just walking”

It’s not quite “learning to walk again”, but a refresher wouldn’t hurt.

Tango connects you to the floor strongly. It should feel like the gravity’s been turned up a little.

The embrace comes later. The flashy figures come after that.

For now, just walking to connect to the beat of the music is a good exercise.

You’ll wonder what to do with your gaze

Do you look into your partner’s eyes? Or over their shoulder?–and, which one?

For leaders: keep your eyes open, looking past your partner. You’re going to navigate, so take in your surroundings.

For followers: relax your gaze, to help you focus on the lead. Eventually you may feel comfortable enough to close your eyes, which becomes a high compliment for a leader.

You’ll feel time start to stretch

The slow, deliberate beat of Tango music has a surprising amount of time in it.

You’ll start to find lots of ‘wiggle room’, to adjust how you move to the mood of the music, all the while still maintaining the beat.

Musicality is integral to Tango.

You’ll make human contact

Once you learn the “practice position” and the embrace, Tango is about making a human connection.

It isn’t primarily about touch, but about finding an easy, intuitive “flow” moving with another person.

You’ll improve your Tango
(…but you can never perfect it…)

There’s a lifetime of learning in Tango, once you’ve taken the basics into your soul.


Classes in 2017